22. Grazer Konferenz, 2018

Medizinische Fakultät der Universät Maribor, Slovenien

5. April - 7. April 2018


wissenschaftl Leitung: Monika Sobočan
Karl Kremser, Wien
Mattäus Grasl, Wien

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Titel: 22.  Grazer Konferenz
Subtitel: Whereto is Medical Education Going
Herausgeber: Österreichische Gesellschaft für
Seitennummer siehe Artikel
Publisher: Selbstverlag
ISBN: 978-3-200-05654-1




  1. Entrustable Professional Activities for beginners
    Harm Peters
  2. PoCUS workshop - how to the and with PoCUS
    Gregor Prosen
  3. Competency-based education: how to assess competencies with EPAs?
    Meaningful assessment in competency-based education can be supported by the evaluation of students’ performance of professional activities
    Chantal C.M.A. Duijn and Mira Mandoki
  4. Faculty development, interactive exploration how to enhance teaching in your
    medical school
    Manon Kluijtmans
  5. Let’s Get Specific – Designing curriculum with reciprocal links between goals &
    objectives and assessment
    Debra Klamen
  6. How to Evaluate and Improve Competence-Based Higher Education
    Monika Finsterwald, Ingrid Preusche
  7. Meaningful feedback: How to motivate our students
    Motivation of the students is crucial to enhance their activity and feedback-seeking behavior in the clinical workplace
    Mira Mandoki , Chantal C.M.A. Duijn
  8. PBL- Dead Man Walking?
    Karl Kremser, Herbert Plass , Matthäus Grasl
  9. Physiology interactive: an exchange of teaching techniques
    Jurij Dolenšek, Klara Fluher, Primož Jarc, Andraž Stožer


  1. Moving a mountain: practical insights on mastering a major curriculum innovation
    Harm Peters
  2. Microlearning at the Medical University of Graz
    Josef Smolle, Herwig Rehatschek
  3. Factors influencing assessor’s checklist and global scores at OSCE
    Matic Mihevc, Klara Masnik, Tadej Petreski, Nejc Pulko, Sebastjan Bevc
  4. Interprofessional learning in health education: fostering better patient outcomes
    through targeted collaboration teaching
    Ana Rehberger, Iva Štrukelj, Patricija Sedminek, Monika Sobočan, Karin Bakračević Vukman
  5. Clinical peer teaching - Quo vadis?
    Sebastjan Bevc
  6. Faculty development: fostering teaching quality and educational innovation
    Manon Kluijtmans
  7. The Dog or the Tail?
    Using assessment to drive curriculum and curriculum to drive assessment
    Debra Klamen
  8. Biostatistics: how and why we should be teaching it better
    Nataša Milić
  9. Teaching the Teachers in Family Medicine
    Zalika Klemenc-Ketiš
  10. Active Learning: didactic strategies to make students responsible for their own learning
    Richard Marz


  1. Teaching of Clinical Reasoning in Internal Medicine in Blended Learning format integrated in the Curriculum of the Medical University of Graz
    Felix Aberer, Martin Manninger-Wünscher, Florian Rainer, Katharina Artinger, Herwig Rehatschek, Florian Hye, Thomas R Pieber, Peter Fickert, Heinz Hammer, Doris, Lang-Loidolt, Regina Roller-Wirnsberger
  2. Does Good Educational Practice exist in medical schools?
    Matthias Ernst, Kamilla Gömöri, Éva Kenyeres, Péter Bencsik
  3. Assessing the Impact of a Newly Introduced Learning Objective System on Teaching Medical Physiology
    András Benyhe, Ákos Pertich, Gyula Sáry
  4. When to trust our learners? Clinical teachers‘ perceptions of decision variables in the entrustment process
    Chantal C.M.A. Duijn, Lisanne S. Welink, Harold G.J. Bok, Olle ten Cate
  5. Use of key-feature cases in the “Interdisciplinary Case Conferences” at the Medical University of Vienna
    Monika Himmelbauer, Desiree Koller, Philipp Pavelka, Andrea Praschinger
  6. “Core Entrustable Professional Activities” for dermatological night shifts
    C. Painsi, B. Lange-Asschenfeldt, H. Peters
  7. Video enhanced (de)brief in a medical simulation for undergraduate students
    Tadej Petreski, Matic Mihevc, Jure Fluher, Sebastjan Bevc
  8. SQ3R learning method and examination success of medical students
    Elisabeth Pichler-Stachl, Gerhard Pichler
  9. A smoking cessation curriculum based on motivational interviewing using Facebook
    David Pócs, Tímea Óvári, Oguz Kelemen
  10. Advanced life support workshop for students
    Boris Podobnik, Katarina Ulen
  11. Teaching biostatistics: how to avoid the misuse of statistics
    Ferenc Rarosi, Mónika Szűcs, Ferenc Bari
  12. Measuring Students’ Attitudes towards Medical Ethics Education among Hungarian Medical Students at the University of Szeged
    Gergely Tari, Oguz Kelemen
  13. Students’ feedback on lectures in a multinational environment: experiences
    Istvan Toth, Barbara Kerekes, Tibor Bartha, Mira Mandoki
  14. Students’ perception of progress testing
    Janina Ulbl, Monika Sobocan, Sebastjan Bevc, Radovan Hojs
  15. A Concept to Implement ERC Guideline Based Skill Training to Lectures for Medical Students at the Medical University of Graz
    Gert Warncke, Berthold Petutschnigg, Christoph Castellani, Holger Till
  16. Longitudinal monitoring of self-directed learning skills: do novice and returning students score comparably?
    Vanja Zamuda, Monika Sobočan, Erika Zelko
  17. Medical Students like learning with multiple choice questions.
    David Zweiker